About Journal

BSU-JPC is international, open access to be published by the Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University The journal is intended to be an interdisciplinary journal in the various fields of education, teaching, learning and related disciplines. It seeks articles on the issues affecting, promoting, and exchanging good practices within all areas of education, to bring about improvements in, and a better understanding of, practices of educational psychology, mental health, teaching, learning, assessment, curriculum development, technology, educational administration, and pedagogy.
BSU-JPC is a peer-blind reviewed journal for educators in all areas of education dedicated in both print and online versions in English and other languages.

Open access:

The journal is an Open Access journal. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles under the following conditions: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

The journal has a strict policy against plagiarism. All submitted manuscripts are checked for plagiarism using professional plagiarism-checking software. Submitted manuscripts with an unacceptable similarity index resulting from plagiarism are rejected immediately.