The effect of Electronic stories on the level of visual-spatial intelligence for primary school pupils

Document Type : Original Research


1 Dept. of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Red Sea University, Sudan

2 Dept. of Curriculum and Methedology, Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University (Beni-Suef, Egypt)


The study aimed to identify the effect of electronic stories on the level of visual-spatial intelligence as a whole, as well as sub-dimensions among the research sample students. The sample was (36) girl students from the 5th grade students. The software on was used to produce E-Stories. The "visual-spatial intelligence" scale consists of 25 items. The quasi-experimental approach is used in implementing E-stories in one experimental group.
                The results revealed that the level of visual-spatial intelligence as a whole increased to "very good", as well as the level of the sub-dimensions of visual-spatial intelligence among the experimental group students which ranged between "very good - acceptable". The level of the dimensions was ranked respectively: visual expression, mental images, visual discrimination, visual recognition, finally spatial reasoning. The research recommended increasing interest in integrating electronic stories into the educational media for students in early education and training teachers to implement it.
