Code-switching is the alternative use by bilinguals of two or more languages in the same conversation. It is a socio-linguistic common practice in foreign language classrooms, where the native language of learners is interchangeably or reciprocally used side by side or intermittently with the target language. This article addresses code-switching as a theoretical perspective related to bilingualism and multilingualism and from the perspective of pedagogical practice. Therefore, this article seeks, theoretically and as projected in prior research findings, to identify the functions of EFL teachers' code-switching in EFL classrooms. It seeks to identify the reasons that motivate EFL students to restore to code-switching in EFL classrooms. In addition, the author explores the role of code-switching in EFL college classrooms and the teachers' actual use of this sociolinguistic practice. Furthermore, the article looks into EFL students’ attitudes towards the use of code-switching from a sociolinguistic viewpoint as well as it explores their motivations for learning when code-switching is used. Finally, the article seeks to identify the sociolinguistic and pedagogical implications of using code-switching, both negatively of positively in college EFL learning settings. Implications for learning and teaching foreign languages are forwarded in the end of the article.
Mekheimr, M. A. (2022). The Role of Code-Switching in Moulding EFL College Students’ Attitudes towards and Motivations for EFL Learning. BSU-Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum, 1(1), 25-36. doi: 10.21608/bsujpc.2022.240475
Mohamed Amin Mekheimr. "The Role of Code-Switching in Moulding EFL College Students’ Attitudes towards and Motivations for EFL Learning", BSU-Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum, 1, 1, 2022, 25-36. doi: 10.21608/bsujpc.2022.240475
Mekheimr, M. A. (2022). 'The Role of Code-Switching in Moulding EFL College Students’ Attitudes towards and Motivations for EFL Learning', BSU-Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum, 1(1), pp. 25-36. doi: 10.21608/bsujpc.2022.240475
Mekheimr, M. A. The Role of Code-Switching in Moulding EFL College Students’ Attitudes towards and Motivations for EFL Learning. BSU-Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum, 2022; 1(1): 25-36. doi: 10.21608/bsujpc.2022.240475