Using Electronic Vlogs to develop Critical writing skills for first year Secondary Stage Students

Document Type : Original Research


1 A senior Teacher of EFL, Ph.D Student - Depart. of curriculum, Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University, (Beni-Suef -Egypt)

2 Depart. of Curriculum& Mythology, Faculty of Education&, Menofia University

3 Depart. of curriculum& Mythology, Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University, (Beni-Suef -Egypt)


The current research aimed at investigating the effect of electronic vlogs in teaching for developing secondary stage students' critical writing skills .The study adopted a quasi-experimental design (experimental). Also it included one independent variable which was electronic vlogs and a dependent variable which was critical writing. The participants of the study are a group of first year secondary stage students. The researcher taught them by using electronic vlogs. The current research indicated the positive effectiveness of using electronic vlogs in developing critical writing of secondary stage students. It facilitated the teaching of EFL with new technology, and encouraged English supervisors and teachers to use the current strategy in teaching that, helped students share and activate their thinking. It helped students to pay their attention with teachers through new methods electronic vlogs is very interesting. in teaching. It makes teachers use new methods, which reduce teachers’ effort. …..
