Using Electronic Vlogs to develop self-esteem for first year Secondary Stage Students

Document Type : Original Research


1 A senior Teacher of EFL, Ph.D Student - Depart. of curriculum, Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University, (Beni-Suef -Egypt)

2 Depart. of Curriculum& Mythology, Faculty of Education&, Menofia University

3 Depart. of curriculum& Mythology, Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University, (Beni-Suef -Egypt)


The current study aimed at investigating the effect of electronic vlogs in teaching for developing secondary stage students' and their self-esteem .The study adopted a quasi-experimental design (experimental). Also it included one independent variable which was electronic vlogs and a dependent variables which was developing EFL self-esteem The participant of the study are a group of first year secondary stage students The researcher taught them by using electronic vlogs .The following instrument was used to achieve the questions of the study:  self-esteem scale . The current research indicated the positive effectiveness of using electronic vlogs in developing the self-esteem of secondary stage students.
