Emotional Balance and its Significance in the Prophetic Sunnah

Document Type : Original Research


Islamic studies, faculty of art's, imam abdulrahman bin Faisal


Praise be to Allah, who revealed the Book with truth and the Balance, and commanded justice and excellence, and peace and blessings be upon the sent one, a mercy to the worlds, and may Allah be pleased with his pure and noble companions, and those who followed them in excellence until the Day of Judgment... After that,
Balance is considered the foundation of upright behavior for individuals and communities, and it is a great gift from Allah. Prophets are created with it, and it is characteristic of great minds. Wisdom is born from it, and the balanced soul is built, guarding against falling into blameworthy extremes.
We find that Islam has a unique and distinctive nature, as it balances actions, words, and all aspects of human behavior, both apparent and hidden, with the standard of moderation and balance. It rejects extremism in all cases. Therefore, this research has been conducted to highlight Islam's concern with building the balanced Muslim personality, proud of its religion, according to the approach of the Quran and the Prophetic Sunnah.


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